Gratitude Note to Self: Keep the Main Thing…

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing," I've been telling myself about nearly everything this week.

I was feeling "behind" with the gratitude journal. It doesn't seem I have enough time or space for the journal and I thought maybe I should set it aside and back out of the An Attitude of Gratitude Art Journaling Challenge. Then I asked myself, "What is the main thing about the Gratitude Journal?" Okay, why I started it was to connect with other like-minded people, to be intentional about being grateful, and to make a visual expression of that gratitude. The next question I asked myself: "Am I doing that?" Well, yes, with the journal and in life the past few weeks.  I don't seem to get as much done as I hoped for or think I should, but maybe I need to let go (again) of expectations and outcomes. It's not about me and my performance. Let go. Give. Share. Be grateful. Fill a negative space with a positive outlook. I have a lot to be thankful for!

The themes of the pages in the Gratitude Journal below are: 

What I've Learned, Education, Technology, and Social Media.

What I've Learned in Life

Rabbi Harold Kushner quote with outline of border

border with doodles

border with doodles painted

Open journal with: "What I've Learned, Education, Technology, Social Media" Themes