Valerie Sjodin

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We are the Woman at the Well…Part 2

In John 14 Jesus tells his disciples that He is soon sending a helper, an Advocate, “the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth.” The word truth, “aletheia” means “not covered”*. Jesus uncovered the woman’s sinful lifestyle and other things about her, telling her things he would have never known in the natural realm. 

    We are just like her, because when we are willing, the Spirit of truth confronts the lies we believe and reveals the truth to us about God and the truth of our own identity. I believe that is what happened between the woman at the well and the Lord Jesus that day. He revealed to her who God is and who she is in God’s eyes: completely known and loved by God. That is why instead of hiding her shame, or blaming others for her choices, she was able to experience forgiveness and restoration to such a degree that she was compelled to share the good news with the very neighbors she was likely trying to avoid. She came to understand Jesus is the embodiment of truth, the living God, and was offering her an intimate life in communion with His Spirit that would enable her to live a life of obedience. 

    Jesus is offering us the same gift he offered her: living water, which is the the Holy Spirit. In John 4:14 Jesus says, “…those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” Through the Holy Spirit we can have continual renewal and fellowship with Him. Eternal life is a perpetual life


 extending to the healing of the past, having a fulfilling life in the present, and hope for the future.


Seeing is Believin

g by Gregory A. Boyd

**Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Everlasting, eternal)

Scripture from 

New Living Translation

 of the Holy Bible

image & text copyright Valerie Sjodin 2011