Valerie Sjodin

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Q-R-S in Moleskine Journal Pages

These three words go together for me: Quality, Responsibilities, and Self-Image in the 

An A to Z of Me

 Art Journaling Challenge. In the self-image pages, Denis Waitley's quote  reminded of what I did in 2010 to change my self-talk. I listened to The Shalom Prayer every day for at least 60 days. It is a beautiful prayer based on Psalm 139, and states what I believe, but didn't feel at the time. God used it to upgrade my thinking. When I was younger, I went for years hating myself. Part of the prayer says, because God's love for me is so great, I too must love myself. It takes the focus off of me and on God and how He sees and values me. Here is a link to the printed version online, or you can order the audio version:

Q - Qualities

Valerie Sjodin©

Valerie Sjodin©

Valerie Sjodin©

Valerie Sjodin©

Valerie Sjodin©

Valerie Sjodin©