Valerie Sjodin

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Moving Forward Into Who I Am - Bible Journaling

First of all, I would like to thank those who sent me kind and caring messages this past week. I’ve felt buoyed by prayer and friendship in a new way. Mercifully sleep has also become normal this week. Thank you!

Knowing I cannot rely on my feelings, I am choosing to be proactive: an appointment is set with a doctor and time blocks are put in my schedule for more balance including rest, people, work etc.

I revisited two art journals done previously during times of consolation. One has the theme of Identity, led by Bernice Hopper, featuring the messages of Pastor Rob Davey, Solihul Jubilee Church, the other was began during an art journaling workshop and is called Abba's Love (shown above).Using the Scripture 1 Peter 2:8-9 as my focus, and the journals as inspiration, I am reminded of who I really am, not who I feel I am at the moment.

It spurred me on to make a Bible Journaling page and look at the context in 1 Peter and the call to "be holy." On the site I typed in the reference of the verse in the search box and also 1 Peter 1:15. I clicked on "tools" and looked up the meaning of holy in the Strong's concordance and Thayer's Greek lexicon. Here are some of the words" Being "holy" has always seemed like one of those things out of reach, and it turns out, it is, without God. With God, all things are possible.