Valerie Sjodin

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Journaling a Word of the Year ~ Connections and Community

As I am getting my new journal ready for the new year, it occurs to me that the main reason I begin a new everyday journal each year is because it gives me hope. There is nothing like getting a new journal, pristine and full of possibility.

Receiving or choosing a word to focus on throughout the year is a good place to start in the new journal, which is so blank and waiting to be filled page by page. I don’t know if you feel this way, but each year I get a new journal and calendar, I wonder what it will hold at the end of the year? On one hand, I want to fill up the space and on the other hand, I have a bit of trepidation knowing as I begin to make my mark, I will make mistakes and things will not likely look how I think they should or have planned. This is where my journal keeping, like art, reflects life and helps me accept that I will not get it all right and to relieve myself of that expectation. Instead, my journal reminds me to let go of my tendency toward perfectionism, and live each moment to the fullest.

Here is my word – no longer a “mystery” but it is  … about that next time…

Do you choose a word for the year? Or does it choose you? When we ask God for a word for the year he gives us something that he wants us to work on, to include more of during the year? Do you know what your word for 2018 is yet?

Have you tried planners, bullet journals and diaries and found they don’t suit your lifestyle? Do you want a simple, completely personalized, no pressure way of journal keeping? Do you have lots of scraps of papers with your ideas written down but often lost in the detritus on your desk? Or do you file all your thoughts in your head and become overwhelmed with all the ideas and no place to flesh them out?

Blessings of great HOPE to You as you finish 2017 and prepare for the New Year!

Would you like a more creative way to organize your word, your ideas, thoughts, prayers, events, or your projects all in one place? Let us introduce you to an Everyday Calendar Journal.

Through 2018, Bernice Hopper, and Mary Brack, and I will be sharing insights through blog posts for keeping an Everyday Calendar Journal. We will be using the journal to record events, experiences and relationships; to explore our word’s meaning in visual and fun ways. It is our hope that you will make your journal your own, personalizing it to make it a beautifully useful and valuable tool.

Join us in our private Facebook group to find encouragement and support as we journal through 2018.

URL for Facebook group:

URLs for Instagram: #livingyourword2018 & #everydayjournals2018




Valerie: (this one :-)

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]If you are still wondering if you want to start an everyday journal, I suggest visiting the recent blog post "Why Journal? The Benefits of Journaling" . In addition to the post contents, check out the comments. People have contributed great reasons for journal keeping.If you are seeking a Word for the year, you may find inspiration in the post "Listening for My Word of the Year."Visit my Pinterest Board: