Valerie Sjodin

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Visual Blessing Squares 2

Gathering for comfort

Barely into my weekly visual vignette squares of beauty, I fell short of my goal. When I made the goal to once a week gather, arrange, photograph and write about the photo, I wasn’t really thinking of it as a new year’s resolution. It seemed more like something good and doable, but when I already missed it this early in the year, it felt like a failed New Year resolution. In truth, it's not a big deal. Sometimes ‘life happens.’ I know there is usually another word put before ‘happens’, and it sure felt like that happened too recently. It set me back emotionally, but once again I found comfort in free-flow art-making…doodling on a scrap of watercolor paper with a little paint on it.

The story behind the art

Doodling the free-flow poppies on a random watercolor blotch background eased my stress and helped me feel more grounded in a way I can’t describe. I think part of why it was helpful is because I didn’t need it to turn out well. It’s only a scrap of watercolor paper with a little paint on it, so I took out my pen while resting on the couch and started to draw. I actually like how it turned out and will probably past it into a junk journal I took out to play in.

The ‘comfort-full release-quiet rest’ piece, shown next to the poppies, has been floating around the studio for awhile and I noticed it matched the watercolor and penned poppies. It also reflected what I needed so it seemed the perfect companion for the poppies. I had painted the heart rocks while visiting with my closest friend. I used the Acrylograph paint pens by Archer & Olive. My granddaughter used colored pencil to draw me a love-rock message, also shown in the picture. Her creative gesture and hug still warm my heart.

My sorrow was turning to acceptance and peace.

Sweet Memories

Later in January I got a bit carried away with gathering some floral, tea, and home themed items. I was surprised to find so much pink. I’ve not thought of myself as a pink person and now realize my granddaughters have had some influence on me. Now I’m quite fond of the color.

It’s true that ‘a picture paints a thousand words.’ At the top of the photo, you’ll find a little roof with stickers on it, painted and embellished by my youngest granddaughter when we had a sleepover. While she was making her little house (she adores miniatures), I worked on the little house below with the tower. We had so much fun!

I have a quaint little collection of teacups and service pieces, mostly from my husband’s side of the family and my thrifting over the years. Since we’ve moved into our new home, I’ve had numerous ‘tea parties’ with my granddaughters and visiting women. It is a simple pleasure that brings me joy.

Perusing through previous journals is a good way for me to fondly remember past happy experiences. I’m often inspired to get out a few art supplies and add a little something to an unfinished page here and there. That’s what I did on the journal page with the altered magazine picture, shown with the teacup in the upper left corner area. The ring of watercolor doodles, at the upper right, was made while recovering from Covid. They are like a collection of simple smiles and I’m considering doing another set. It’s a great use of scraps of watercolor paper.

Recently, I drew and painted the watercolor house planter, inspired by Danielle Donaldson. The butterfly journal cover and the circle doodles from a weekend journal are both from demos I did in favorite weekend workshops years ago. The open journal at the lower right is from last year’s 100-day project, done in an Archer & Olive watercolor notebook. I also included the closed cover of my current Archer & Olive commonplace book because it fit so nicely with the other items.

Gathering, arranging, photographing & remembering

Once again, going through this process of gathering, arranging, photographing and remembering has lifted my spirit from sorrow into gratitude. I actually feel less stuck and lighter as I look forward. I hope you are inspired to notice little sparkles of beauty in everyday and celebrate your own unique creativity.

If you try this, I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments section below.

Be encouraged!

Previous Visual Blessing Squares and Inspiration

Visual Blessing Squares 1

Beginning 2025 with journaling

A new idea - Vignettes of Beauty - Squares of Gratitude

Explore Your Word for the Year with ‘A Beautiful Word’ E-course

If you want to dig deeper into your word and expand your creative techniques, check out my online course ‘A Beautiful Word.’

More inspiration

Check out a recent blog post I wrote for Archer and Olive that includes an INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO and FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

How to make a pocket in your journal and get a FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD and watch the accompanying how-to video. Use code ‘Valerie10’ to receive 10% off

Set up for my 2025 journals post:

Affiliates & Royalties

Amazon: Sometimes I post links to Amazon products on my site. I receive a small commission if you click on the product and purchase it. I only recommend products I use, am happy with. It costs you nothing, but does help me cover some of my costs to host the site etc.

Archer & Olive: I am an Archer & Olive affiliate Here is the code to put on the end of any Archer & Olive URL:
?aff+816, as in: Receive a discount of 10% on purchases when you use the code Valerie10. You get the savings and I receive a commission to help cover my online and tech costs.

StencilGirl Products: I receive royalties from stencils I’ve designed from StencilGirl Products. I hope you enjoy creating with them.