Valerie Sjodin

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Gratitude by Grace

Since this post, I have. updated my website, so a number of the images did not transfer over. To see the gratitude journal please visit my Word Theme journal page:

GRATITUDE (the state of being thankful) by GRACE (an unmerited divine assistance given humans for their process of spiritual renewal and freedom).

These pages show the flap from the last spread before it is opened. The themes touched on are: laughter, Celebration, Thanksgiving, Friends and Family, Neighborhood, and Health

When the "Celebration" Day challenge for "An Attitude of Gratitude" journal came up, and as I was working in the journal, I suddenly felt the wounds of my family's brokenness, and the loss of traditions I once valued. I was hit with grief. Then the thought came that there are probably many people who share similar feelings this time of year with depression, disability, disease, distance, and even death. Holidays can be a sad reminder of what we don't have or have lost. Disappointment and hurt can easily set in. I was sinking.

Flap is opened revealing the writing

I needed to refocus and the first thing I did was to name and give thanks for the family members I have loving relationships with. I was already feeling better, knowing I have so much to be thankful for. Then I asked myself, "What traditions do we have that I can count on?" The first thing that came to mind is we cook together, and fix some of the same dishes each year. No matter where we are for Thanksgiving, we are all making and eating corn casserole and superb sweet potato casserole (recipe compliments of my dear friend Sharon, another person to be thankful for). Then my other dear friend, Kim, and I had a conversation where we expressed the same kind of loss and longing. Knowing someone else understood brought comfort. We talked about the freedom that has come as a result of the losses, and could be grateful.

Then a new, unexpected hurt came my way. My first reaction was to shut down and become rooted and mute as a mushroom. Usually I can make conversation and be helpful, but not this time. So I worked to smile and sought a way to leave as graciously and soon as possible. The intentional focus I had on gratitude this month was being challenged and I needed to fight for it. 

Sunday, Keith and I went to church, and God, in His loving-kindness, met me as we sang during worship, and in the beautiful message of comfort given by Pastor Rick on healing the wounds of our heart. He walked us through the healing process and people, including me, received healing.

PRAISE GOD! My mourning turned into gladness. I was able to let go of the hurt and expectations, leaving the outcomes to God who loves me.



detail of edge: Laughter, Health

A friend posted this prayer on Facebook from

Father, I ask You to fill me with Your joy and strength today!

Restore the joy of my salvation, renew in my heart a right spirit, today. 

Holy Spirit, breathe Your life into me, 

so I can do so much more than just survive and endure, 

but truly live the l

ife You've planned for me! 

Let Your life flow through mine. 

May Your joy, which gives me strength pour in me today! 

Only when I'm full can I truly love others as You do. 

Lord, through You I can do all things! 

Thank You, Jesus!

 Amen & Amen.