Beach Weekend Art Journal

I'm really lovin' making these weekend journals! A dozen pages of fun. I began this one with our long beach weekend in mind and used part of it as a demo in the last art journaling class. Part of it was done before the trip and I left blank spaces for writing and painting to do while vacationing. The image above is one view showing the last page most prominently. You can see that the pages are not all the same size or shape. One of the great things about these types of journals is the many options there are to present and cut the pages.

"Nurture tranquility" was the first page I completed after the painted paper cover. It sums up my goal for the beach weekend. On the opposite page I did a painting paper technique on the edge, added both painted and collage water drops and left room to write during the first part of the vacation weekend. 

"Peace and Rest…" was the last page I did in this beach weekend journal. It was written on our final day at the beach and I didn't know how timely the message would be. We came home to our refrigerator being broken and toasty warm, fighting a summer cold, and pulled a muscle in my back. But I am thankful for the walks on the beach and the beauty of it all! Nothing can take the experience away or dampen the joy and gratitude I have for being there. I painted this little sketch of haystack rock while sitting on our balcony looking at the ocean.