Happy Anniversary: 2 years of Blogging, 33 years of Marriage

November 2012 and still blogging. It's surprising really. When I began, I didn't think I had much to say or show. The school I taught at for ten years closed, and I was wondering what to to with myself. When it was suggested that I start a blog I flinched. Technology and it's constant change often intimidates me. I don't like feeling like I'm always trying to catch up. But here I am two years later with more changes and growth ahead in the technology department. I must press on and remember how far I've come. No fear, right? 

photo by Heidi Helser Photography

This year Keith and I celebrated our 33rd year of being married. It hasn't always been easy. In fact I remember about nine years ago we thought we might not make it, and weren't sure if we even wanted to.  On our 24th anniversary we faced a choice, a crossroads. I remember being on a bridge when we decided to work on our marriage, not just to stay married, but to work at growing back in love. We prayed for grace. God gave it. We committed to bless each other with acts of kindness. Those grew into loving-kindness. Now 33 years after we started, with more changes and growth ahead, we are pressing on and remembering how far we've come. These anniversary photos taken by

Heidi Helser

are a marker of God bringing us this far, with more love and hope than I dreamed of.

photo by Heidi Helser Photography

"Grow old with me, the best is yet to be."

Cheryl Cope, Christian Women's Life, Weight Loss, and Creativity Coach invited me for an interview to talk about creativity, background, and faith. You can read the interview at: 

