F - Flow with the Fun of Your Word of the Year

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One way to live out my word of the year “Light” is to be more Lighthearted, to flow and have fun. I'm also wanting to "lighten" the load, move my body more "lightly" etc.

I don’t like exercising at all and have tried so many times just to give up after a short period of time. In warm sunny weather it is much easier since I like to walk and garden, but in the winter I tend to hibernate and “put on a winter coat.” I’m just at the beginning again, but so far, so fun, and that is good :)

For my goals of movement (aka exercise) that is free-flowing and fun (aka as lighthearted) I’ve been setting my timer and doing some Body Groove: https://www.bodygroove.com/. You can also find some of the BodyGroove videos on facebook and YouTube. They have got me moving with joy!

I will Follow Him!

Moving with joy makes me feel like worshiping, and has led to more dancing in worship and more joy in general, praising God with my whole self including my body.

Follow, another "F" word speaking of following Jesus. A video came up on my Facebook feed from GodTube of nuns doing Zumba to “I will Follow Him.” It made me smile and try my own unique worship dance at home with the audience of One. Since doing this dance type of movement I’ve already been thinking of dancing as a way to express worship God with my body in song.

Here is the original version of“I will Follow Him” from the movie Sister Act: https://youtu.be/VPpd-6X3tEo

If you want to dance and sing along, here is a karaoke version:

I’d love to know if you try this and if so what is it like for you, what song/s you move to etc.

How about you?
What do you do to help yourself reach goals that seem unpleasant?

So far so fun!

For more lighthearted work that is fun and free-flowing, I invested in a whimsical artful ladies art e-course with Sue Kimnitz at https://suekemnitz.com/. I've really been enjoying this delightful course and recommend it!

To go along with the theme, I also purchased the book: ❤️ Drawing Fabulous Figures, by Jane Davenport.

These investments and commitments visualized in my vision board are helping me tackle two things that don’t come easy for me, and that I want to grow in. The ladies on the inside of my vision board (that signify myself) were drawn after watching some of Sue’s instructional videos and reading Jane’s book.

I find making just a few key investments help me focus and grow when I choose to use them. Having my vision board in front of me is a good reminder. It also helps to share the goals with someone who loves me. It makes me accountable to another person, which can be uncomfortable, but it is well worth it, and can be very motivating.

What investments are you making to reach
your desires and goals for growth in 2019?

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One way for me to add light-hearted fun to my blogging etc. is the addition of playing with Washi tape. Notice on the light-hearted side with “me” swinging, I have made a ballon heart out of Washi tape, leaving the heaviness of the entrapments of what I cut it out of underneath me.

Can having fun be spiritual?

To know you is to experience a flowing fountain,
drinking in your life, springing up to satisfy.
In the light of your holiness we receive the light of revelation.

Psalm 36:9 TPT


Generally, I don’t think we associate God with having fun. But when I stop and think about it, God is the originator of fun, joy, laughter, and good humor. I imagine Jesus, with his incredible wit and story telling abilities, laughing with his disciples, his women friends, the ordinary people at their dining tables. When I do that, I can more easily imagine Him with me, walking through my day, having coffee etc. I ask him what is on his heart, what he wants to do today, what he has to say to me about living out my word of the year. And I listen, and enjoy his company… even having fun.

God has a constantly flowing river
whose sparkling streams bring joy and delight to his people.
His river flows right through the city of God Most High,
into his holy dwelling places.

Psalm 46:4 TPT

How can you have fun with your word of the year?


If this post inspires you to do a happy dance, let me know and I'll do one too.

Cheers to you with love and laughter!


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