StencilClub Reveal- March 2023

Words have Power

I am honored to be StencilGirl’s designer of the month for StencilClub® in March.

The power of words inspired this month’s StencilClub designs and the project that goes with the club set. What words mean they mean, how we use them, and what we tell ourselves and others matter, so I’ve designed a cursive stencil page of positive words. Words can also inspire creativity so I’ve designed the companion stencil with writing and painting tools and a splash of words to get the creativity flowing.

This set is also a great companion to the recent stencils offered with writing/drawing and painting supplies that come in smaller sizes. You can find those on my stencil page at

This month’s club project involves getting inner negativity out on the journal page, releasing it, and replacing the negative words and feelings with positive words and feelings. There is also space for journal writing to come later.

In the video tutorial, I walk through the above process while making paint sprays, and applying the stencils in a way that emphasizes the positive words to focus on.

The StencilClub® project - honoring the healing power of journaling

Here are the stencils

Below are the stencils included in March 2023 StencilClub stencils. You can find out more about StencilClub at:

Thanks for visiting!

Blessings of creativity and joy!

To see my regular Stencils at StencilGirl Products®visit:

Featured Word of the Year Blog Posts

For more how-to videos for your word of the year planner journal scroll through these blog posts and read more for inspiration!