Another season of change

Valerie Sjodin copyright 2011

At times I flounder about what I should be doing now. The school I taught at closed almost two years ago. Since then, I needed some time for restoration. I want to hear God, but I get in the way sometimes. I want to see results, have that sense of accomplishment. It has been a time of letting go, of being rather than doing, dealing with disappointment, turning 50 and knowing life is short. Living life in the present, being present, resting in God's presence. That is what I need. I came across this prayer in the Celtic Daily Prayer book that reflects the longing of my heart right now, and put it in my visual prayer journal.This is another season of change: our daughter and son-in-law moved to Kenya last week in hopes of starting a fish farm business (Ushindi Foods) and bringing protein to orphaned children. We visited our son and grandsons who live in another state last week, loving, wanting to encourage and help around the house. Our youngest is finishing college soon and love is in the air. Where did the time go? So fast. Here is the visual blessing I sent them off with:



Valerie Sjodin copyright 2011