Celtic Knots and Council in the Night...

Sometimes, when starting a new art journaling page or Bible journaling,  I don't have a specific plan in mind, but just feel drawn to a word, theme, passage of Scripture, or a picture. Sometimes I just feel like doodling. I've been pretty focused and serious these days, so it's probably good for me to play and go with the flow, even in Bible Art Journaling. These pages were fun for me as I doodled, painted and colored.

The deep meaning in these verses did not come to me until over a week after they were made. Then these verses became very personal to my situation:

"I bless the LORD who gives me council; 

in the night also my heart instructs me.

I have set the LORD always before me;

because he is at my right hand, 

I shall not be shaken."

- Psalm 16:7-8 ESV

I had a dream and it disturbed me. Usually, when I dream, they don't seem important, but once in awhile I have one that seems very clear and stays on my mind. At first I had no idea what the dream might mean. I told my husband about it. He responded with one sentence that made me consider what the dream might be referring to. Then pieces started to fall into place in my mind like a puzzle. I looked some things up, and was amazed at the confirmation. I called two friends, whom I respect and asked them what they thought. They confirmed. It was a warning, a "heads up." As I read these verses in Psalm 16 now, I am so grateful to God for giving me council, instructing my heart in the night. He is at my right hand, so I will not be shaken. As I read the next verse written by the hand, Psalm 16:11, I see God is making known to me the path I should take, or not take. He is always with me and in His presence there is fullness of joy, and peace. 

"You make known to me the path of life;

in your presence there is fullness of joy;

at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

~ Psalm 16:11

The Celtic knot reminds me of the path of life, interwoven, continuous. The circle in the middle is compass-like, representing direction for my path. 

The Bible Art Journaling Process:

I drew a sketch of the Celtic knot on graph paper while chatting with friends. Then I traced the outline onto deli paper and filled the bands with patterns. Later, at home, I put a coat of matte medium over the top, and painted it with fluid acrylics, cut it out, and glued it onto the Bible page. Then I traced around my hand on another piece of deli paper, doodled and painting it similar to the Celtic knot. After the hand and knot were glued onto the pages, I wrote the verses to the left of the hand and outlined Psalm 16 with a swirly line using a micron pen, then I added patterns, and colored in the loops and inside the line with Prismacolor colored pencils.