From Coloring Page to Personalized Cards
I wanted to make some personalized cards, so I decided to use one of my coloring page drawings from the just released NEW coloring book: Colorful Blessings ~ Celebrating Everyday Wonders (see link below). I am quite pleased with the results. It was easy to do and easily personalized. You may want to give it a try, giving your own personal message to someone you love. Here are the steps to make the cards:1. Tear out the coloring page from Colorful Blessings ~ Celebrating Everyday Wonders coloring book.2. Color the houses with colored pencils in the color of your choice. Note, I didn't color the leaves because I was going to cut the houses out and draw trees etc. on the actual cards.
3. Cut out the houses.
4. Using a few sheets of white card stock paper, cut paper in half and/or in fourths, and fold in half to make cards.
5. Cut any other shapes from found papers such as the hearts I cut out here from painted tissue paper.
6. Glue houses onto card stock. Glue Hearts or other shapes you've cut.7. Add your own lines, doodles and text with black drawing pen. It may be helpful to lightly draw and write first with pencil. Trace over it with pen. Let it dry thoroughly, and erase the pencil lines.8. Bless someone's day be writing in the card and sending it to that special someone.
Content, images and text in this post and entire blog are copyright© Valerie Sjodin 2009-2016. For your personal inspiration only. Commercial use prohibited.
SUPPLIES USED:Colorful Blessings ~ Celebrating Everyday Wonders Coloring BookRegular White Card StockScissorsColored PencilsGlue StickBlack drawing pens such as MicronPencil and white eraserEnvelopes (optional)Blog Affiliate DisclosureTo make the products I talk about in this blog and videos more accessible and to answer product questions, I've affiliated with I do not get paid for using any of the products and only share products I use often, and am pleased to recommend them. I get a number of questions regarding the products I use. I thought this would be the win/win opportunity for you and I. If you click on any of the Amazon product links above and purchase the product, I receive a small percentage, like a tip. It does not cost you anything.