A-Z of Mystery Journal - B - Beauty


There is no end to the mystery of beauty. It keeps us coming back for more, layers upon layers, from the beauty of a new day, and a new life, to the glory of a sunset, finishing well...I found the “B” Beauty of Mystery hard to nail down. Approaching the page, would it be best to focus on the beginning of beauty, sunrise colors, early growth, the colors of a newborn baby and a young leaf, or the complexity of something beautifully aged, in full bloom, going out with the grandeur of a sunset? Because I am just at the beginning of my A-Z of Mystery, I decided to make the theme of beginning with simplicity and the soft colors of sunrise that look to me like the touch and smell of a newborn baby filled with hope, wonder and possibilities. Simple in its beauty, free of the ornate, making room for the reader to fill in the spaces with the beauty of one’s own imagination.


Here is the definition of Beauty:

Beau-ty – “the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound etc.), a meaningful design or pattern or something else, as in a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest.”- Websters New World Unabridged Dictionary


On one hand there are universal principles of beauty that we, as humans, are drawn to such as the divine proportion, also known as the golden ratio, and other terms, which is the ratio of 1 to 1.618…, Fibonacci numbers etc. On the other hand, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”Once again, delving into mystery brings power of paradox, the invitation to hold two opposite things in unity at the same time.


As I made this page about beauty, I was reminded to make sure I am aware of the everyday beauty around me, the rays of light glistening on the leaves, the birds visiting the bird feeder, a surprised smile from an act of kindness...For me, appreciation of beauty results in gratitude.


"Blessed are those who see beautiful things

in humble places

where other people see nothing.

Camille Pissarro

“O God, to the farthest corners of the planet,
people will stand in awe startled and stunned
by your signs and wonders.
Sunrise brilliance and sunset beauty
take their turns singing their songs of joy to you.”

- Psalm 65:8 TPT

There is a great website for quotes: http://www.azquotes.com/.

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