A-Z of Mystery Journal - E - Enter


To enter means: to come in or go in, to be admitted into, to make a beginning, to come upon the stage, to share in, to have an intuitive understanding, to make record of, to occupy or take possession.~ from Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary. I've been thinking about what it means to enter into the mystery of God. On one hand it feels a bit like free falling into the unknown, but how can I say no to drawing into more of experiencing God? Letting go of my plan, my agenda, even my dreams... into the enough of God. It sounds a bit "out there" but I'm finding it hard to put words together to describe it. The trade off: peace, rest, trust.

Psalm 5:7 TPT

"But I know that you will welcome me into your house,
for I am covered by your covenant of mercy and love.
So I come to your sanctuary with deepest awe
and bow in worship and adore you."


The fun part of this process this past week is considering how to express entering into the mystery of God in my A-Z of Mystery journal. I decided to experiment with my newly designed stencils. Like Christmas, I received the proofs of my new stencils produced by StencilGirl Products®. I am thrilled and excited for all the possibilities! The photo above shows the first step of using the stencils after I did a bit of planning and began some of the lettering. The materials I used for the stenciling are Gelatos® and flat bristle brushes. The pens used for lettering and outlining are Micron pens. All supplies are shown below the post as links. I teach the process and techniques with other stencils in the Bible Journaling with Stencils & More e-course. Here is a link to my stencil page: https://www.stencilgirlproducts.com/stencils-valerie-sjodin-s/2044.htm


The only drawing done on these pages is the lettering and some outlining of the stencil shapes. These may be the first pages I haven't done any drawing, except that I did draw the original design of the stencils.Next I added colored pencil, using Prismacolor premier pencils. They helped define the shapes and deepen the color.

The quote that inspired me to use "Enter" as my word is this one by Smith Wigglesworth:

"Enter into the promises of God.
It is your inheritance.You will do more in one year
if you are really filled with the Holy Ghost
than you could do in fifty years
apart from Him."

I'm believing it's going to be a great year!

I like what Bill Johnson says about the hidden, unknown things of God:

"God hides things for us, not from us....
The hidden things are placed in waiting
for the believer to discover."

"We have come into an intimate experience with God's love,
and we trust in the love he has for us.God is love!..."

1 John 4:16 TPT