A-Z of Mystery Journal - F - Freedom


This page has been interesting to work on. Freedom was my word of the year last year, so I had already done a word study etc. But it looks different this year. Last year I focused on the freedom to choose and be my true self. Last year’s journey was one of letting go, trusting God and embracing the mystery of not knowing and understanding. It didn’t feel free. It felt like dying to myself: relinquishing my desires, agenda, and especially my expectations, blowing away like dandelion seeds in the wind.

The mystery and paradox of Freedom is that in letting go, in forgiving, and in surrender to God, I find myself with the freedom to be truly me. I am not saying I have "arrived" yet, but know I'm much closer to who God made me to be, more confident in my purpose and more free.

These two pages include the information from last year’s view of Freedom, and also this year’s. Excitement is building for what God has in store for us!

Soon to be released May 17th, 2018, Spirit Wind 4" and Spirit Swirl 6" stencil helped create the visual atmosphere I wanted, giving the illusion of the Spirit's movement.

Blessing of Freedom to the True and Beautiful You!

NEW Prayerful Doodling Book Available

Stencils used: