A-Z of Mystery Journal - H - Harmony


It's amazing how relevant the word "Harmony" is for me right now. Some relationships are especially challenging, and I need wisdom and discernment to know how to navigate disagreement, how to be kind and honest, how to love the other person and be true to myself. It takes courage. For me it also takes surrender and dependence on God. I can't do it in my own strength. Every week seems to bring a challenge and need for courage. This really stretches my "flight" tendency.The verse that jumped out at me and was the first one found for these pages is 1 Peter 3:8 TPT:

"Now this is the goal, to live in harmony with one another
and demonstrate affectionate love,
sympathy and kindness toward other believers.
Let humility describe who you are as you dearly love one another.."


When I looked up the word harmony, it refers to many things, not just relationships - to design, music, arrangement of anything in a pleasing way. This definition affirms what I suspected, Harmony, or the lack of it effects everything. Harmony is agreements of the parts, joining together in one accord, consistent, orderly and pleasing arrangements of the parts in a whole. My definition for Harmony is when the sum of the various parts come together in a way that is more pleasing and powerful than if the parts stayed separated.


Harmony is being together - in a good way. Just being together isn't enough. Harmony in music is much like people in relationships, each unique musician playing their own note, at the right time, volume, and pleasantly blending together like playing music together. Resonance soothes the soul, but dissonance sets the teeth on edge. Often we need a conductor. Right now, I do...

"Now may God the source of endurance and encouragement,
allow you to live in harmony with each other
as you follow the Messiah Jesus."

Romans 15:5 ISV


]The adapted stick figures are symbolic for me. Being cut out of music they represented what is said above. The colors of the rainbow, each one different, and all richer with the addition of the others, more complete. This reminds me it is work the effort to seek unity and harmony. to keep going...

"Be faithful to guard the sweet harmony of the Holy Spirit among you in the bonds of peace.""

Ephesians 4:3 TPT

Stencils designed by Valerie Sjodin