Visual Blessing: Your Life ~ Sacred Purpose
When my husband saw this blessing, he said it was for me. I sensed it was for someone else, but I wasn't sure who. It made me think that in some ways, when we make art, even if it is for someone else, it is also for us, because we have put some of ourselves into it, whether it be our experience, beliefs, color choices etc.
I gave this one to a dear family friend, whose mother and I raised our little ones together, trading babysitting. (I used my time to take painting classes). Her daughter, now grown, is a textile designer. It is for those of us who search for meaning, companionship, and the balance between being and doing, working along, or with others. It also speaks of an integrated life, of faith, work, love, and purpose.
The icon image is the Pantokrater icon, "Ruler of All" from St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai. This one is especially meaningful to me because it shows the balance of mercy and justice in the face of Christ.
May you be blessed today with His tender mercy.