A Wedding Blessing
Valerie Sjodin copyright 2011
I made this blessing for a young couple getting married this month. The young man has been a good friend of our daughter since middle school. I have been so grateful for his character. He showed our girl what it looks like to be loved by a young man. Even though their's was not a love of the romantic sort, God used their relationship to reveal that great friendship-kind of love that is also necessary for a good marriage. So they are both better prepared for their marriage partners. I haven't yet met the young lady to be his wife, but am so happy for them and wish them all the blessings God wants to give a husband and wife.
The making of the blessing: I used a 5" x 7" piece of archival mat board as the base. I coated it with gesso. Their wedding invitation included a photo of them hugging in a field and I drew the silhouette from that and scanned it on the computer. I had drawn the compass in pencil for a tattoo for our son, scanned that and made a photoshop brush out of it. I used it on this and on other pieces of art. I looked up how to make the brush by googling "how to make a photoshop brush." The old map was a photoshop brush I downloaded from
. I combined the three layers in photoshop: silhouette, map, compass and printed it on a piece of copy paper with my laser printer, flipped horizontally so I could transfer it with Citrasolv cleaner/solvent. I put a coat of matte medium on the surface. Then I also used the solvent to transfer the music in the background. Next I glued the strip of music and text on with matte medium coating the entire front of the piece. Then I painted it with Golden fluid acrylics.
The following is a quote I added to the back of their blessing. When I read it, I am reminded the only way I can really love well is to experience God's love and begin from that point of knowing His love, and believing He wants to give His children good things in life.
"Everything becomes possible to those who love.
The commands of the Lord are no longer grievous,
for the soul that loves is gifted by that love with fresh energies;
it discovers in itself unsuspected possibilities,
and is supplied with ever-flowing currents of new vigor.
We shall be enabled to do so much if only we love.
We live by loving, and the more we love the more we live;
and therefore, when life feels dull and the spirits are low,
turn and love God, love your neighbor,
and you will be healed of your wound.
Love Christ, the dear Master;
look at His face, listen to His words,
and love will waken,
and you will do all things
through Christ who strengthens you."
~ Henry Scott Holland