Once again I'm participating in this studio tour in Oregon's Washington County. It is a great community event, FUN, FREE, & INSPIRATIONAL! This weekend October 19-20, 2019 between 11am - 5 pm. Stenciling Demos and introducing new Studio Workshops for 2020! I hope to see you in the studio. Cheers!
Read MoreWe are bound together in a common life. Seeking unity with one another is a worthwhile pursuit. "How wonderful it is...to live together in harmony.
Read MoreThere is something special about birds - full of wonder, flight, freedom… An egg is a symbol of hope and possibility. Feathers speak of spirituality, and nests of the nurturing comfort of home. There is also something special about being able to paint these as symbols of our personal story.Do you want to improve your painting skill while celebrating the wonder of birds? In this course you can! There are 7 step-by-step video lessons with bird themes of eggs, birds, feathers, and nests. Have fun and learn how to paint realistically and expressively with acrylics on a variety of surfaces and backgrounds: watercolor sheet/journal, wood board or canvas, sheet music (thin paper.)
Read MoreSometimes the smallest ordinary things hold the most important lessons - if I stop to look and listen... Here is a video I took of my lesson from one of God's small often overlooked little creatures.
Read More"We live in the past of the future," I heard Jonathan Cahn say. So I am choosing to make today count like a time traveler! It's like I am actually able to go back in time and change the trajectory of my future. If I were looking back from tomorrow or next year, that is exactly what coming back to this moment would be like.
Read MoreIt's time to Shine! What does it mean to shine? “How do I shine as myself, with God, and others?" To shine looks differently for us individually, but my guess there are also some common things we long for, need, and value.
Read MoreSeeking to establish a fulfilling rhythm of daily life, working from rest and resting from work in a fulfilling way. Every living thing has a rhythm. "R" for Rhythm in the A-Z of Mystery Word of the Year Challenge.
Read MoreGetting quiet is important in order to hear and discern what to do. Listening prayer is a way to do that. Suggested questions & art reflections on Q-Quiet in the A-Z Challenge included
Read MoreParadox is holding two opposites as true at the same time. We live in paradoxical times that have polarized relationships and our nation. We tend to paint other people with harsh, broad brush strokes of black or white. Living with paradox requires empathy and invites reconciliation, seeking to understand a viewpoint opposite of our own.
Read MoreOvercoming my struggle to order my stuff, organize and create beauty. O - Order in A-Z Word of the Year Challenge. Key questions to help organize.
Read MoreMid-Century Modern Stencil Club & paintings, July calendar and Washi tape adventure as we celebrate America's freedom and enter a new season.
Read MoreCelebrating Nature with a Word of the Year active challenge and NEW leafy doodle stencils. Included are artful inspirations and a how-to stencil Washi tape video, comparing medical tape with white Washi tape.
Read MoreStenciling video tutorials, Summer Solstice StencilGirl Stencil Sale June 20-22, New stencils, Inspirational Art Projects in variety of media.
Read MoreThe word 'Muse' is filled with mystery. Muse is associated with memory and music. We may sense the connection most when we hear a song from our past, bringing back all sorts of memories, and we feel transported back to a specific event or time. Google Dictionary defines Inspiration as:" the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative" or "a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea."
Read MoreTraveling changes you. Keeping an art journal helps me process and remind us of the important memories. Going on our amazing adventure to the UK, France and Greece was wonder full! So much beauty! I'm finding my life and perspectives have expanded through the process of going so many new places and meeting new people that have now become friends. Writing and art journaling the journey is so rewarding.Post includes my goals for travel art journaling, pages from my abstract travel journal made in Mary Beth Shaw's class on our Blue Walk Art tour of Greece, and examples of making it my own by combining abstract techniques in class with realistic images from my trip photos.
Read MoreI’ve been reminded to look back in order to move forward. At first it sounded counter-intuitive and non-productive, but after doing it, I see the value of taking a fresh look at what I have, what I’ve done, and stop to look, listen, and be grateful. It was the prompt I needed to Live this moment, to be present without the pressure to perform.
Read MoreA key is a small thing that opens a larger, important experience. A question can be a key to the answer you're looking for. A key can unlock a mode of transportation that can take us on a journey to another place. A key can open up a space of a new world. A key can bring us home.
Read MoreIf you are here now, you are on this life journey, and so am I. My journey is taking me back, like revisiting these journals with journey themed pages and bringing to mind my faith journey. I am grateful for the process, even though at times it was hard to see on the path... What is your journey...
Read MorePreparing for travel this month, I made a calendar page with maps as the theme using Washi tape, stencils, Gelatos, and pen. Also a sneak peak at prepped pages for my travel journal...
Read MoreNow is the time to be intentional! It’s been a very busy time and I feel on the edge of being overwhelmed. That puts me in danger of letting the default of shutting down take over. I’m determined to grow past that into healthy purposeful action.Keeping a journal has become the most helpful tool to living with intention and staying focused on what I believe is important in life.
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