Like a Mighty Rushing Wind - Bible Art Journaling Blogs, Bible journalApril 29, 2015Acts 2, art and faith journaling, Bible Art Journaling, Pentecost, Bible journal, Bible journaling Comments
When the Spirit Comes - Bible Art Journaling Blogs, Bible journalApril 22, 2015Acts 1:8, art and faith journaling, Bible Art Journaling, John 16:13, Bible journal, Bible journaling Comments
An Artful Life: Art and Life Together... BlogsApril 15, 2015art and faith, art and grief, Art Journaling Workshops Comment
Celtic Knots and Council in the Night... BlogsApril 8, 2015art and faith journaling, Bible Art Journaling, celtic knot, Visual Bible Study Comments
Resurrection Day! Bible Art Journaling Blogs, Bible journalApril 5, 2015Bible Art Journaling, John 20, Bible journal, Bible journaling Comments