Posts in Art in real life
The 100 Day Project - Days 33-40

Here is the my 100 day project - Days 33-40. Each of the 4-page spreads are unique. The first, all done with only black pen (after lightly with pencil) inspired by my Keys to Drawing Celtic Knots course, and the second spread because I’m really excited about my new garden, ordered seeds etc… Those entries done in pen and watercolors.

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The 100 Day Project - Days 17-24

Here is the my 100 day project - Days 17-24. The first four days are inspired by Celtic art in my Keys to Drawing Celtic Knots & Illumination course. This time done using pen and watercolors. I love how this daily art process reflects life!

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Word of the year poetry journal

Wonder - word of the year poetry journal finished and flip-through. In this journal made out of watercolor paper, I featured and wrote various types of poetry inspired by my word of the year. Beginning with poetry printed on paper, stenciling with watercolor, finishing with pen and a bit of collage.

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Art in Real Life #10

The journey continues as now I’ve moved out of my dream studio and home and into our trailer. I had grown accustomed to going in my studio and picking what I wanted or needed to work with and start making. It is an adjustment indeed! Looking at this move as an adventure helps look forward with anticipation and not panic, but it’s still not easy …

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Art in Real Life #9

I’ve been going through every inch of my studio and our home to clean out, get rid of what is no longer needed, and trying to decide what that is. We are looking to downsize so I know I will be going through the process again from boxes when we move in to our next home. To be honest, this process feels drastic, and yet I have peace in the midst of the turmoil. There is even a seed of excitement growing in thinking, ‘What could be next?’

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Art in Real Life #6

This is the sixth post dedicated to making everyday things special by finding ‘Art in real life.’ Not knowing when our family would be together again, I painted a peg doll for each person in our family. I painted two of each person and kept one for myself, and am sending each family their own family peg dolls.

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