A year of Gratitude

One way to intentionally be more thankful is to make a place to list the blessings of each day - things I am grateful for. I’ve found it helpful to record my gratitude list on a page specifically made for that purpose. Each month for 2021 I made a gratitude spread of two pages, to write down what I was thankful for that day. To see how to make the pages go to the main blog page and refer to the month’s blogpost in 2021. Below are the gratitude pages before the lists were filled in:














Happy Thanksgiving!

“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand;
gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life
and into the lives of all those around you.”

~ Eileen Caddy

“Praise the Lord!
For he has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength and shield.
I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.”

- Psalm 28:6-7 NLT


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Plan with me Premium

Plan with me Premium e-course is a separate interactive e-course running throughout 2021. In addition to the videos above, each month Plan with me Premium includes a how-to video on how to make the dutch door page (shown below) with downloadable pattern, and devotional videos that includes a personal devotional activity for the interior of the Dutch door, PLUS accompanying PDF downloadable devotional pages and patterns. Currently, since there is one month left in the year, the course is not available for registration. Check back for more information on courses offered in 2022.

Featured Word of the Year Blog Posts

For more how-to videos for your word of the year planner journal scroll through these blog posts and read more for inspiration!

For more Word of the Year Inspiration check out: https://www.valeriesjodin.com/word-year-calendar-everyday-journals

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